MIRACLE SLEEP2 hours like 8 !

MIRACLE SLEEP2 hours like 8!

Bee sleep (sleep on beehives) in Odessa.
Contact with bees without getting stung!

3 reasons why come to us:

Step and Seaside Air

The bee-farm is located 11 km from Odessa with a beautiful view of the estuary and the Gulf of Odessa. 1.5 km away from the sea. An ideal place where you can get away from the bustle of the city.

Organic beekeeping

We follow the natural way of bee keeping without using any chemicals. Get healthy with our bees!

Eco-friendly materials

When constructing our api-houses we use only environmentally friendly materials inside: wood and reeds. Immerse yourself in nature!

Bee sleep (sleep on beehives) in Odessa.
Contact with bees without getting stung!

3 reasons why come to us:

Step and Seaside Air

The bee-farm is located 11 km from Odessa with a beautiful view of the estuary and the Gulf of Odessa. 1.5 km away from the sea. An ideal place where you can get away from the bustle of the city.

Organic beekeeping

We follow the natural way of bee keeping without using any chemicals. Get healthy with our bees!

Eco-friendly materials

When constructing our api-houses we use only environmentally friendly materials inside: wood and reeds. Immerse yourself in nature!

In this video, there's a brief explanation how Bee Sleep (sleep on beehives) affects us. Sorry, the video is not in English, but you can choose English and Portuguese subtitles to get the point:

What is hive therapy or sleeping on hives?
What problems does it solve?

Back pain

Inflammation and pinched nerves, sciatica and other diseases related to the nervous system.

General weakness and fatigue

Analysis says you are absolutely healthy, but you don't feel very well.

Depression, anxiety, fears

Fear and anxiety haunt you, holding back your development. Lack of harmony with the world. 

You are not sleeping well

Insomnia, you forgot what a deep sleep is, you can't fall asleep for a long time, you constantly wake up, and after sleep you don't feel the fullness of energy.

You can't relax

You are constantly in a hurry, running around and solving problems. You don't get excited about life.

You want to forget your problems and stay a bit secluded.

You live in a very active rhythm, but sometimes it happens that you want to drop everything, change the scenery and forget about problems.

Что такое ульетерапия или сон на ульях?Какие проблемы решает?

Боли в спине

Воспаление нервов, радикулит и другие заболевания, связанные с нервной системой.

Общая слабость и усталость

Анализы говорят, что Вы абсолютно здоровы, но при этом чувствуете себя не очень хорошо

Депрессия, тревоги, страхи

Страх и беспокойство преследуют Вас, тормозя Ваше развитие. Отсутствие гармонии с миром. 

У Вас нарушен сон

Бессоница, Вы забыли, что такое глубокий сон, постоянно просыпаетесь, и после сна не чувствуете прилива сил. 

Вы не можете расслабиться

Вы постоянно находитесь в суете, беготне и решении проблем. Не получаете удовольствия от жизни.

Вам хочется забыть о проблемах и уединиться

Вы живете в очень активном ритме, но порой случается так, что хочется бросить все, сменить обстановку и забыть о проблемах

What is hive therapy or sleeping on hives?
What problems does it solve?

Back pain

Inflammation and pinched nerves, sciatica and other diseases related to the nervous system.

General weakness and fatigue

Analysis says you are absolutely healthy, but you don't feel very well.

Depression, anxiety, fears

Fear and anxiety haunt you, holding back your development. Lack of harmony with the world. 

You are not sleeping well

Insomnia, you forgot what a deep sleep is, you can't fall asleep for a long time, you constantly wake up, and after sleep you don't feel the fullness of energy.

You can't relax

You are constantly in a hurry, running around and solving problems. You don't get excited about life.

You want to forget your problems and stay a bit secluded

You live in a very active rhythm, but sometimes it happens that you want to drop everything, change the scenery and forget about problems.

Bee Sleep or Beehive Therapy

(immersing in the environment of a bee colony)

Bee Sleep or Beehive Therapy

(immersing in the environment of a bee colony)




Special Api-houses are built for sleeping on hives.
There are two api-beds on top of four large hives with about 50,000 bees in each hive.

the bees live their normal lives, fly out through the entrance holes and DO NOT have access to the Api-house

Special Api-houses are built for sleeping on hives.
There are two api-beds on top of four large hives with about 50,000 bees in each hive. 

the bees live their normal lives, fly out through the entrance holes and DO NOT have access to the Api-house

This is how our Api-houses look like:

Апи домик где живут пчелы

This is how our Api-houses look like:

Апи домик где живут пчелы

And inside, miracles are happening

the whole body relaxes, unites with nature, and dissolves with the vibrations of the bees

And inside, miracles are happening

the whole body relaxes, unites with nature, and dissolves with the vibrations of the bees


On a api-bed you immerse yourself in the biofield of the bee colony

 and touch nature itself, getting a multi-faceted effect at once:

Ингаляционный эффект на ульях

Inhalation and rejuvenation

The entire api-house is covered by beeswax inside, which turns it into a kind of phyto-room. While in the api-house, you also inhale the aroma of nectar, propolis and royal jelly from the hives. This air purifies the entire respiratory system and heals the body. In addition to the inhalation effect, the bees constantly ionize the air in the hive. Natural ions, entering the body, fight free radicals that damage cells. Thus, the processes of rejuvenation are triggered. 

Meditation and relaxation

During the active season, bees vibrate continuously with their wings inside the hive to create the right microclimate for brood growth and evaporation of nectar. These movements create certain sounds and vibrations that relax and soothe our nervous system. This hum is like a mantra coming from deep within the living body. To the sound of this mantra, the body immerses in warm waves of harmony and tranquility. The entire body is totally relaxed.

Микромассаж и медитация
Расслабление в апидомике

Micro-massage and warming effect

In addition to the hum, your body perceives the vibrations of thousands of bees in the form of a micro-massage. You feel this massage in the form of warmth in one part of your body or another. The warmth is transmitted through the waves. You are immersed in a kind of "natural microwave" that heals the problem parts of the body. This heat is very effective in treating the back and relieving pain in the spine and musculoskeletal system.

Restoration of the energy field

The biofield of the bee colony, which extends within one meter of the bee nest, is very similar to our biofield and is able to restore our energy fields (aura).  Each day, during the active season of the bee colony, 2,000 (yes, 2,000!) new bees are born in the hive. And every day the same amount of new births occur (an egg turns into a larva). A pure virgin biological field is created, which is favourable to our bodies. 

Восстановление энергетического поля
Восстановление энергетического поля

Structuring the entire body

The bees are structuring their space. The honeycombs they build have a regular shape. Scientists have proved that the whole universe has a shape similar to a honeycomb. Entering this structured field leads to harmonization of the whole organism and normalization of work of all organs. In such structured space headaches go away and you get enough sleep in much less time than in a usual bed.

On a api-bed you immerse yourself in the biofield of the bee colony

 and touch nature itself, getting a multi-faceted effect at once:

Ингаляционный эффект на ульях

Inhalation and rejuvenation

The entire api-house is covered by beeswax inside, which turns it into a kind of phyto-room. While in the api-house, you also inhale the aroma of nectar, propolis and royal jelly from the hives. This air purifies the entire respiratory system and heals the body. In addition to the inhalation effect, the bees constantly ionize the air in the hive. Natural ions, entering the body, fight free radicals that damage cells. Thus, the processes of rejuvenation are triggered. 

Микромассаж и медитация

Meditation and relaxation

During the active season, bees vibrate continuously with their wings inside the hive to create the right microclimate for brood growth and evaporation of nectar. These movements create certain sounds and vibrations that relax and soothe our nervous system. This hum is like a mantra coming from deep within the living body. To the sound of this mantra, the body immerses in warm waves of harmony and tranquility. The entire body is totally relaxed.

Расслабление в апидомике

Micro-massage and warming effect

In addition to the hum, your body perceives the vibrations of thousands of bees in the form of a micro-massage. You feel this massage in the form of warmth in one part of your body or another. The warmth is transmitted through the waves. You are immersed in a kind of "natural microwave" that heals the problem parts of the body. This heat is very effective in treating the back and relieving pain in the spine and musculoskeletal system.

Восстановление энергетического поля

Restoration of the energy field

The biofield of the bee colony, which extends within one meter of the bee nest, is very similar to our biofield and is able to restore our energy fields (aura).  Each day, during the active season of the bee colony, 2,000 (yes, 2,000!) new bees are born in the hive. And every day the same amount of new births occur (an egg turns into a larva). A pure virgin biological field is created, which is favourable to our bodies.. 

Восстановление энергетического поля

Structuring the entire body

The bees are structuring their space. The honeycombs they build have a regular shape. Scientists have proved that the whole universe has a shape similar to a honeycomb. Entering this structured field leads to harmonization of the whole organism and normalization of work of all organs. In such structured space headaches go away and you get enough sleep in much less time than in a usual bed.

Conducted medical research in Ukraine (contract. NL-11 IDP 08 from 21.04.08) confirmed that: the hive therapy has beneficial effects on the nervous, respiratory and cardiovascular systems.

Conducted medical research in Ukraine (contract. NL-11 IDP 08 from 21.04.08) confirmed that: the hive therapy has beneficial effects on the nervous, respiratory and cardiovascular systems.

Experts confirm the fact that hive therapy eliminates fatigue, relieves back pain, strengthens the immune system and increases sexual potency.

Experts confirm the fact that hive therapy eliminates fatigue, relieves back pain, strengthens the immune system and increases sexual potency. 

And also

And also

It is fair to say that hive therapy develops a deep contact with nature and oneself, opens up creative potential and enhances feeling of life.
That's why it's a great place to hold master classes and other spiritual practices!

It is fair to say that hive therapy develops a deep contact with nature and oneself, opens up creative potential and enhances feeling of life.
That's why it's a great place to hold master classes and other spiritual practices!

Get closer to nature right now!
Make your life brighter and more colorful!
Get in touch with nature and make your body healthier!

Get closer to nature right now!
Make your life brighter and more colorful!
Get in touch with nature and make your body healthier!

Make your choice


200 uah

our herbal tea and eco honey

a beekeeper's amazing story about bees *

Bee Sleep - 1 hour

Sleep with massage 

800 uah

our herbal tea and eco honey

a beekeeper's amazing story about bees *

Bee Sleep - 2 hour

relaxation massage in api-house **


3000 uah (up to 5 people)

our herbal tea and eco honey

a beekeeper's amazing story about bees *

Bee Sleep - api-house for a full day!

Comfortable room for the day

Barbecue, recreation areas in the retreat center

A sweet surprise from us!

* - if there is a beekeeper at the apiary during a visit

** - 4-hand relaxation massage in api-house - 1000 uah. 

For a couple in the same api-house - the price is 300 uah per hour.

Make your choice


200 uah

our herbal tea and eco honey

a beekeeper's amazing story about bees *

Bee Sleep - 1 hour

Sleep with massage 

800 uah

our herbal tea and eco honey

a beekeeper's amazing story about bees *

Bee Sleep - 2 hour

relaxation massage in api-house **


3000 uah (up to 5 people)

our herbal tea and eco honey

a beekeeper's amazing story about bees *

Bee Sleep - api-house for a full day!

Comfortable room for the day

Barbecue, recreation areas in the retreat center

A sweet surprise from us!

* - if there is a beekeeper at the apiary during a visit

** - 4-hand relaxation massage in api-house - 1000 uah. 

For a couple in the same api-house - the price is 300 uah per hour.

Romantic night in api-house

Evening stars appear one by one in the sky. Moonlight breaks through the clouds. You sit in a cozy gazebo and listen to crickets sing. Sounds of nature is complemented by the pleasure of herbal tea with amazingly delicious comb honey. All this environment relaxes you, tuning you to the rhythm of unity with nature, which will happen after you cross the doorstep of the api-house and immerse in its fantastic environment. A night of perfect sleep in nature is guaranteed!

Bee Sleep - Night (21:00 - 09:00) - 500 uah for one person, 800 uah for two people.

Романтическая ночь на природе

Don't know how to surprise or what to give your friend?Make an unusual gift and he/she will remember it forever!

Gift Certificates from 200 to 3000 uah.

Подарочный сертификат Сон на ульях

Don't know how to surprise or what to give your friend?
Make an unusual gift and he/she will remember it forever!

Gift Certificates from 200 to 3000 uah.

Подарочный сертификат Сон на ульях

Additional services of the Shantambala Center

which will make your stay in the nature cozy, pleasant and unforgettable

Cozy green area

Here you can lie in the shade of the trees on the soft grass, to completely immerse in an atmosphere of relaxation and forget about the bustle of the city.

Swimming Pool

Two heated pools for adults and children, 1.5 and 0.5 meters deep. Around the pool is a large wood terrace and sun loungers.

Wood-fired sauna

Wood-fired sauna with aroma oils enables great relaxation and wellness for your body. After the sauna, Bee Sleep for a couple of hours or through the whole night is especially great!

Mini hotel

2 and 3 bed rooms with their own terrace and a gorgeous view of the estuary and the sunset. Live in comfort and enjoy the hospitality of Shantambala complex.

Covered gazebo and library

Here you will enjoy a unique herbal tea API-SON with eco-honey. The pleasant atmosphere will make the tea session special and memorable.


Children and even adults enjoy jumping on our trampoline, remembering their childhood. And someone may jump on a trampoline for the first time in his life, discovering new emotions of joy!


Новогодний подарок Сертификат - 25% 

Имя *
Телефон *
Выбранный пакет услуг *

НОВОГОДНЕЕ  ПРЕДЛОЖЕНИЕ для ранних пташек- 25% на любую услугу комплекса ульетерапии



Количество мест ограничено.

НОВОГОДНЕЕ  ПРЕДЛОЖЕНИЕ для ранних пташек- 25% на любую услугу комплекса ульетерапии



Количество мест ограничено.

Новогодний подарок Сертификат - 25% 

Имя *
Телефон *
Выбранный пакет услуг *

Additional services of the Shantambala Center

which will make your stay in the nature cozy, pleasant and unforgettable

Cozy green area

Here you can lie in the shade of the trees on the soft grass, to completely immerse in an atmosphere of relaxation and forget about the bustle of the city.

Swimming Pool

Two heated pools for adults and children, 1.5 and 0.5 meters deep. Around the pool is a large wood terrace and sun loungers.

Wood-fired sauna

Wood-fired sauna with aroma oils enables great relaxation and wellness for your body. After the sauna, Bee Sleep for a couple of hours or through the whole night is especially great!

Mini hotel

2 and 3 bed rooms with their own terrace and a gorgeous view of the estuary and the sunset. Live in comfort and enjoy the hospitality of Shantambala complex.

Covered gazebo and library

Здесь Вы насладитесь уникальным чаем АПИ-СОН с правильным мёдом. Приятная атмосфера сделает чаепитие особенным и запоминающимся.


Children and even adults enjoy jumping on our trampoline, remembering their childhood. And someone may jump on a trampoline for the first time in his life, discovering new emotions of joy!

Bee Sleep is only possible during the bees' active period. This period may shift depending on the weather

If you want to be the first to know the news about the start and end of the season, you can leave your contact information so that we can notify you more easily:

Name *
e-mail *

If you don't have e-mail or don't check it often, you can subscribe to our Telegram channel or join us on Social Networks, where we also publish information about the beginning and end of the season:

Bee Sleep is only possible during the bees' active period. This period may shift depending on the weather

If you want to be the first to know the news about the start and end of the season, you can leave your contact information so that we can notify you more easily:

Name *
e-mail *

If you don't have e-mail or don't check it often, you can subscribe to our Telegram channel or join us on Social Networks, where we also publish information about the beginning and end of the season:


Do you have any questions? Or maybe someone has already asked them?

 Won't I get stung by bees? 

The bees have no access to the api-house. So when you are inside, you don't have to worry about that. In case, even if a bee flies into the api-house somehow, it will definitely have no desire to sting you, because it will seek escape from the api-house, asking to go outside and hit the window. A bee stings only as a last resort, only when it feels threated, because by stinging a human, it dies.

 What should I bring with me for hive therapy?

 To get the maximum effect of interaction with the biofield of the bee colony, you need to wear (or take with you) clothes made of natural fabric. Natural fabric, unlike synthetic, does not shield the energy of the bee colony. Alternatively, you can take cotton pajamas.  For massage, clothes should be with long sleeves and cover the whole body + cotton socks.

 Is it allowed to go to the api-house with children? 

It is allowed and, most likely, children will even like it. But as practice shows, it is hard for young children to stay in one place for a long time, and they will probably distract the adults. As a result, adults will not get the desired effect either. Therefore, we recommend leaving children under the supervision of one of the adults at the playground, and then just switch. The exception is infants, who sweetly fall asleep due to the peaceful vibrations of the bees (especially if you arrive in time for your child's nap).

 Would I be able to relax?

The deep mantra-like hum that you will immerse yourself in while lying on the api-bed will facilitate relaxation in every way possible. All you have to do is lie still and listen to the sensations in your body, and then you will relax and fall asleep. Even if you do not manage to fall asleep, you will plunge into a meditative state and be charged with the power of the bee colony.

 What is better not to do before the session? 

Before Bee Sleep, do not consume alcoholic beverages, use perfumes, creams and other substances with strong smells. Strong odors excite the bees and you will not get the desired effect of the hive therapy session.

 Apitherapy and hive therapy, what is the difference?

Some sources actually refer to hive therapy as apitherapy. Apitherapy is a very broad term covering treatment with bees and bee products. It also includes treatment with bee stings (bee stinging). The term beehive therapy is used for sleeping in hives. The main distinction of beehive therapy is recovery without stings and direct contact with the bees themselves.


Do you have any questions? Or maybe someone has already asked them?

 Won't I get stung by bees? 

The bees have no access to the api-house. So when you are inside, you don't have to worry about that. In case, even if a bee flies into the api-house somehow, it will definitely have no desire to sting you, because it will seek escape from the api-house, asking to go outside and hit the window. A bee stings only as a last resort, only when it feels threated, because by stinging a human, it dies.

 What should I bring with me for hive therapy? 

To get the maximum effect of interaction with the biofield of the bee colony, you need to wear (or take with you) clothes made of natural fabric. Natural fabric, unlike synthetic, does not shield the energy of the bee colony. Alternatively, you can take cotton pajamas.  For massage, clothes should be with long sleeves and cover the whole body + cotton socks.

 Is it allowed to go to the api-house with children? 

It is allowed and, most likely, children will even like it. But as practice shows, it is hard for young children to stay in one place for a long time, and they will probably distract the adults. As a result, adults will not get the desired effect either. Therefore, we recommend leaving children under the supervision of one of the adults at the playground, and then just switch. The exception is infants, who sweetly fall asleep due to the peaceful vibrations of the bees (especially if you arrive in time for your child's nap).

 Would I be able to relax? 

The deep mantra-like hum that you will immerse yourself in while lying on the api-bed will facilitate relaxation in every way possible. All you have to do is lie still and listen to the sensations in your body, and then you will relax and fall asleep. Even if you do not manage to fall asleep, you will plunge into a meditative state and be charged with the power of the bee colony.

 What is better not to do before the session? 

Before Bee Sleep, do not consume alcoholic beverages, use perfumes, creams and other substances with strong smells. Strong odors excite the bees and you will not get the desired effect of the hive therapy session.

 Apitherapy and hive therapy, what is the difference? 

Some sources actually refer to hive therapy as apitherapy. Apitherapy is a very broad term covering treatment with bees and bee products. It also includes treatment with bee stings (bee stinging). The term beehive therapy is used for sleeping in hives. The main distinction of beehive therapy is recovery without stings and direct contact with the bees themselves.


what our customers think of us

Odessa, Ukraine

An hour's sleep in evidence with 100,000 bees, great toilers trying diligently to bring my body into harmony, revealed to me extraordinary sensations. It has been a few days since the hive therapy and my emotions are as vivid as they were in the first moments. Thank you Artur for your wonderful project! Looking forward to the next meetings!

Odessa, Ukraine

It's just a BLAST! It feels like being in a natural microwave, in the waves of which the whole body opens up. The hum of the bees in the very center of your head creates a very warm and pleasant sensation. It's hard to put it into words. You have to come and try it. It is better to leave your cell phone outside ;)

Odessa, Ukraine

Yesterday with my guests from Kiev we tried Bee Sleep for the first time. I want to share my feelings... A totally meditative state, sinking in and out of dreams. The problem areas (where there were fractures and torn ligaments) seem to have dissolved. One of us felt less pain the next morning on a badly injured knee. The relaxation in the body was amazing, we felt refreshed and renewed. Thank you so much!

Odessa, Ukraine

Very good sensations, I don't even know what to compare them to. I had the same kind of feeling when I was doing spiritual practices: Sufi practices or Rebephing. But in this case everything happens without pumping. I began to experience special sensations quite quickly: vibrations and warmth that comes from below. I cannot accurately describe all the sensations in words. I definitely experienced a clarifying and relaxing effect. It felt very good. After the api-house for about an hour I was in this higher state. Emotionally it was very light and lucid. I can draw a parallel with confession in church: a state of inner purity, harmony and tranquility. I discovered a new way of relaxation and inner detoxification!

Odessa, Ukraine

Thank you so much for the opportunity to sleep with your bees together! Delicious honey, great location, healthy sleep, friendly bees - what more do you need to enjoy the silence of the stars and the buzzing of the bees in the total darkness of a summer night:)

I recommend it to everyone!


what our customers think of us

Odessa, Ukraine

An hour's sleep in evidence with 100,000 bees, great toilers trying diligently to bring my body into harmony, revealed to me extraordinary sensations. It has been a few days since the hive therapy and my emotions are as vivid as they were in the first moments. Thank you Artur for your wonderful project! Looking forward to the next meetings!

Odessa, Ukraine

It's just a BLAST! It feels like being in a natural microwave, in the waves of which the whole body opens up. The hum of the bees in the very center of your head creates a very warm and pleasant sensation. It's hard to put it into words. You have to come and try it. It is better to leave your cell phone outside ;)

Odessa, Ukraine

Yesterday with my guests from Kiev we tried Bee Sleep for the first time. I want to share my feelings... A totally meditative state, sinking in and out of dreams. The problem areas (where there were fractures and torn ligaments) seem to have dissolved. One of us felt less pain the next morning on a badly injured knee. The relaxation in the body was amazing, we felt refreshed and renewed. Thank you so much!

Odessa, Ukraine

Very good sensations, I don't even know what to compare them to. I had the same kind of feeling when I was doing spiritual practices: Sufi practices or Rebephing. But in this case everything happens without pumping. I began to experience special sensations quite quickly: vibrations and warmth that comes from below. I cannot accurately describe all the sensations in words. I definitely experienced a clarifying and relaxing effect. It felt very good. After the api-house for about an hour I was in this higher state. Emotionally it was very light and lucid. I can draw a parallel with confession in church: a state of inner purity, harmony and tranquility. I discovered a new way of relaxation and inner detoxification!

Odessa, Ukraine

Thank you so much for the opportunity to sleep with your bees together! Delicious honey, great location, healthy sleep, friendly bees - what more do you need to enjoy the silence of the stars and the buzzing of the bees in the total darkness of a summer night:)

I recommend it to everyone!

Что о нас пишут наши гости на страницах FB

Video reviews after Bee Sleep

some clients wanted to share their condition on camera

Irina and Vitaly - very cool. Powerful energy and the vibe of the bees.

Anastasia - a cozy place, natural materials, a charge of vivacity, energy.

Ludmila - a session of wellness and complete relaxation.

Kira and Alexander - a powerful energy boost, the headache has gone.

Nikolai and Tatiana Latansky recommend Sleeping in the Beehives. With the help of bees, Nicholas went into fasting

Relaxing massage - all merged into one immense pleasure.

Massage is mega-right.
Sleep with the proper energizing -
Surrounded by care!

Oleg: The tour round the reserve is awesome! The aroma of an apidomix covered with wax inside makes it the best dream

Very unusual sensations, the body becomes weightless, you dissolve, you just no here any more.

How do you get there? You can get in 40 minutes from the railway station by any bus going in the direction of Yuznhiy.

Bus # 18 (Molodaya Gvardiya) # 68, 570, 998 (AS Privoz), # 67 (Regional Hospital).

The stop is Novaya Dofinovka. At the stop opposite the gas station VIPAR (Radostnaya str.) cross to the other side and walk 1200 meters forward, Shantambala Retreat Center.

How do you get there? You can get in 40 minutes from the railway station by any bus going in the direction of Yuznhiy.

Bus # 18 (Molodaya Gvardiya) # 68, 570, 998 (AS Privoz), # 67 (Regional Hospital).

The stop is Novaya Dofinovka. At the stop opposite the gas station VIPAR (Radostnaya str.) cross to the other side and walk 1200 meters forward, Shantambala Retreat Center.

On the road to Yuzhny 11 km from the turnoff in Kryzhanivka

Shantambala Retreat & Resort

On the road to Yuzhny 11 km from the turnoff in Kryzhanivka

Shantambala Retreat & Resort

It's better to see once than to hear 10 times

In this video you can see how our bee sleep complex looks like. Sorry, the video is not in English, but you can choose English and Portuguese subtitles to get the point:

It's better to see once than to hear 10 times

In this video you can see how our bee sleep complex looks like. Sorry, the video is not in English, but you can choose English and Portuguese subtitles to get the point:

Our other services on the main website:

               e-mail:  api-son@medok.od.ua

+351 91 331 66 88

Our other services on the main website:


e-mail: api-son@medok.od.ua

+351 91 331 66 88